What’s your favorite #mood?

What’s your favorite #mood?

Few days ago I have received a nice gift from Cupio with the full collection of their new matte lipstick called Mattix. Ten vibrant colors, with a great texture, extremely easy to apply and suitable for any occasion. It can be used from day to night.

In comparison with the other collection of Cupio matte lipsticks called MUAH, Mattix is definitely improved. It lasts the same (both from day to night, even without retouching) but the latter is easier to be applied, the texture is smoother, more hydrating, the colors are brilliant and is has a really nice smell.

Each shade is full of personality and different, so it gave me the following idea, to associate each shade to a to a  different mood, situation, circumstance or event.

The final result is colorful, versatile and (I hope) inspirational. Wandering what shade to wear? How to match you lips with you outfit? How to express your inner spirt?

Well, let’s see the typologies I chose for the shades.


What’s your current mood?


B A B Y  D O L L  vs.  R E T R O

left – Survive Monday | right -Bad Hair Day

S W E E T & S O U R   vs. D I V A

left – Naughty is Nice | right – SOS Need Lipstick

G E E K  vs.  S P O R T Y

left – Bright Sand | right – Better Than Chocolate

F L I R T Y  vs. F A M M E  F A T A L E


left – Little Black Dress | right – Famous in Red

  R O C K  vs.  S T R O N G  I N D E P E N D E N T W O M A N

left – Girls Night Out | right – Hot Gossip

You can find all the shades HERE

So what’s your favorite mood?

Write your thoughts below and let me know which is your favorite shade of Mattix Lipstick and it can be yours.

Lots of kisses,


Luana Codreanu

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