fashion show Tag

Luana Codreanu, fashion blog, fashion blogger, Last Minute Couture, LFW, London Fashion Week, cool, trends, fashion show, front row, Burberry, Aspinal of London, Corina Castrase, metallic skirt, Molecule F, Ray Ban, leather jacket, Diesel, Cathias Edeline boots, Aldo, backpack, designer, white shirt, hat, trends, Popsugar, Fashionising, David Nyanzi, By Mabbas

#LFW | D A Y 4

Dear fashion lover, How was your week? How were your first days of spring? What plans do you have for the rest of the season? Which are your expectations? Well, I have to admit that I've started this season with a lot of inspiration and with a...

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Luana Codreanu, fashion blog, fashion blogger, Last Minute Couture, LFW, London Fashion Week, cool, trends, fashion show, front row, Belstaff, The Propellers, MIAU,Clara Rotescu, denim, Nike Air, Molecule F, Ray Ban, Hedare, fur, backpack, designer, lace, trends, Our Vivids.

#LFW | D A Y 3

Dear friends, First of all, HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN's DAY!!! May the health, love and happiness be with you! Now, here comes the third story about London Fashion Week. Curious? I'm getting so excited all the time when I'm thinking about all those incredible days spent in London.....

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Hello darlings,   I'm sure that many of you heard about Avanpremiere Fest, but for those who didn't, I can tell you that is one of the most important Romanian fashion events. I had the pleasure to take part in 3 editions of this amazing event but this...

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blog, blogger, event, social, design, designer, Florin Dobre, Sbornicul, spiring, summer, traditii, Romania, credinta, iubire, art, moda, still, Luana Codreanu, blog, fashion show, fashion blogger, fashion blog,

Florin Dobre | SBORNICUL

Asa cum ne-a obisnuit de-a lungul anilor, artistul Florin Dobre ne surprinde si de aceasta data cu o colectie atipica, pentru unii chiar controversata. Este vorba despre cea mai recenta colectie a designerului,  SS'16 ready to wear, ce poarta numele de "Sbornicul". O denumire familiara? Probabil ca pentru multi...

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PFW, Paris Fashion Week, Alina Cernatescu, Romanian Designer, Fashion, style, street style , style blogger, blog, blogger, romanian blogger, Luana Codreanu, The Storyalist, Last Minute Couture, fashion blog, fashion blogger, stylish, trends, SS 2016, PFW SS 2016, all black outfit, outfit, OOTD, Mangrove, jumpsuit, new collection, leather jacket, Sonia Rykiel, fashion show, popular blog, outfit inspiration

Le premier jour de la #PFW

Bonjour mes chéries, I'm finally back to reality after 4 exhausting days of Fashion Week. I've been sleeping like 20/24h in the last 2 days, but now I'm fresh as an orange juice and more than ready to tell you about this beautiful experience that I've...

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