To be or not to be…checked
Day by day I’m discovering myself. I’m sometimes even wondering how many secrets am I going to find out in the near future. It seems that now, when #24 is getting closer and closer, I’m getting to know myself better… It’s probably a way of becoming a more mature person.
The fact that I’m a full time dreamer is not always easy, actually being an artist is not easy at all. There’s a daily struggle to stay realistic, to adapt to your daily life, to your daily routine. Are you feeling the same? Are you one of the artists too?
What I have realized lately, is that being what other people want me to be is taking off my energy, it’s like sipping is with a straw. It doesn’t mean that I wanna become a rebel, but I have decided to accept myself, with my qualities and drawbacks, with my strengths and weaknesses. Even if I see the world through the eyes of a perfectionist, I’m always aware that there’s no perfection out there, that is only superficiality…and trust me, there’s no real happiness in that area. I’ve seen it with my eyes.
To come to an end of this short story, as an almost #24 dreamer and realist, I suggest you to destroy your limits, to seek for your true self, to start loving that inner spirit and to bring it up. I’m more than sure that people are going to be more attracted by a real person, rather than spending time with an egocentric creation of our mind.
We are always searching for models around us. People who are more powerful, more successful, more relaxed or happy. This is great! Do that! Those people probably did the same at a certain point and now, they’re probably going to change your life. But if you’re having those times when you world is falling apart and you can’t see the rays of sun, seek inside, find the energy, the love, the happiness inside yourself. Do what you love, and do it right. You’ll always have to fight for it, that’s true. But fighting is fun and it keeps you fit, right? 😄
There’s no reward without struggle and fight. There may be a short-term reward, but happiness won’t last because you’ll think that you don’t deserve it, because you didn’t fight for your dream, for your desire. Soon you’re going to feel anxious, scared that you’re going to loose everything. But what if you wake up in the morning, thank for a new day, thank for being healthy and for everything you’re feeling lucky. You’ll find all the energy you need to start the battle and to win the big prize, the real happiness and fulfillment.
So dear friend, keep it real! Let’s come back to ourselves, let’s end up this era of superficiality, let’s be close to each other, exchange experiences and create new memories. Why being mean, why being grumpy, why being anxious?
L I F E I S B E A U T I F U L !
*Checked trench coat | NA-KD
*Boots | NA-KD
Hat | Hats & Caps (UK)
White Cullotes | Rent The Runway
Top | StyleWe (US)
* You can buy the trench coat from and use ‘lastminute30’ at checkout for a 30 % discount and free shipping
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And some #Instagram moments
Don’t forget to follow me there to see all the sneak peeks of my daily life
Hope you have enjoyed this outfit post!
Have a fantastic week, lovelies!
See you soon from France!