last minute couture, luana codreanu, ANSWEAR, blogger, fashion blog, ashion blogger, fashion, influencer, inspiration, lifestyle, makeup, model, ootd, outfit, street style, street wear, style, style blogger, stylish, trends, Adrian Scutariu, photography, street photography

Geometry of fashion

Hello, lovelies! First of all, I want to welcome the super talented photographer Adrian Scutariu to my website. With just a click on his name you can check out his other projects and photoshoots. Now, that you know who's behind the camera, I will tell you a few...

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Luana Codreanu, LFW, Last MInute Couture, street style, fashion blogger, influencer, style, Answear, Jeremy Scott, Sunglasscurator, Cathias Edeline, boots, leather jacket, PPQ, British brand, Adidas Superstar, London Fashion Week, white, royal blue, trends, brands, ootd

The Royal *blue

You can see the joy on my face whenever I wear something I really enjoy. For example this cool combination of white and royal blue. And if it's about me, it's always a bit o leather and a bit of black...

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Living the dream

Hello, dear friends!   Here I'm am to tell you another beautiful story, another amazing experience I had this year. It seems that 2016 is the year of "dreams come true"! At least for me...

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#myITshoes | C O N T E S T

RO Daca tot sunt atat de populari in randul marilor case de moda, am decis ca este momentul sa le acord si eu recunoștința printr-un articol si un concurs. Daca imi urmăriți ținutele de zi cu zi pe contul de Instagram o sa vedeți ca sunt un...

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Last Minute Couture, Luana Codreanu, All The Vivids, enslucas, street style, camel coat, ripped jeans, Gino Rossi, Answear, H&M wool hat, trends, winter, fashion, style, fashion blogger, popular, cool, 2016, ootd, outfit, style blogger

Live for NOW.

Hello fashionistas! How is your 2016? Is it promising? I keep on asking this question to my friends and acquaintances. I realized that when we are asked this type of question, we rather think of what we plan to do in the future, or what we...

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