4 piese pe care trebuie sa le ai in garderoba

Nuantele de bej au revenit in centrul atentiei. Intr-o diversitate de lungimi si texturi, tinutele monocrome in tonuri nude vor invada strazile in sezonul de primavara 2021. Nu am fost mare fan #neutrals pana de curand. Am inceput sa imi deschid apetitul pentru culorile neutre de...

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Citroen, Citroen C3, Luana Codreanu, Last Minute Couture, outfit, driving experience, Citroen Romania, Noul Citroen C3, street style, blue jumpsuit, leather jacket, blonde, le specs sunglasses

My CITROËN drivexperience

După o îndelungă pauză, am revenit cu un super articol despre pasiunea mea pentru condus și cea mai recentă experiență pe care am avut-o împreună cu Citroën Romania și noul model C3. Ca să nu mă întind prea mult cu povestea, o să încep prin a...

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ultraviolet, 2018, pantone, Last Minute Couture, Luana Codreanu, outfit, trends, street style, cat eye, sunglasses, trends, fall trends, ootd, look of the day, outfit inspiration, make up, make up trends, fashion blog, fashion blogger, romania, europe

Why #Ultraviolet ?

 PANTONE® ANNOUNCED THAT ULTRA VIOLET IS COLOR OF THE YEAR 2018. Why did they choose this color to be the #coloroftheyear ? "A dramatically provocative and thoughtful purple shade,  Ultra Violet communicates originality, ingenuity, and visionary thinking that points us toward the future." cc. Pantone   Trăim într-o vreme în...

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Last Minute Couture, Luana Codreanu, fashion, fashion blog, fashion post, December, winter, winter fashion, outfit, outfit inspo, inspiration, ootd, look, lots, look of the day, black, long sleeve, coat, wool coat, made in italia, style, street style, street photography, model, makeup, style, stylish,

What movie character are you?

  O U T F I T C o a t  |  H&M F u r  |  Zara Shoes  |  Made in Italia Skirt  |  Lee Cooper Watch  |  Guess *** Many thanks to my wonderful team: Alex Atanasiu (photo), Christina Dielentheis (MUA), Andrea Filip (coordinator) *** Hope that you have found a bit of...

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Last Minute Couture, Luana Codreanu, fashion, fashion blog, fashion post, December, winter, winter fashion, outfit, outfit inspo, inspiration, ootd, look, lots, look of the day, pink, denim, zara, calezedonia, mywallit, made in italia, style, street style, street photography, model, makeup, style, stylish,

First day of #winter

Dear lovelies, How are you? Did you miss my outfit posts? I'm sure there was a little feeling over there, that's probably why you're reading this new article right now. Or, if you're here for the first time, get ready for a new addiction. Let's see...

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blog, blogger, Luana Codreanu, Last Minute Couture, fashion blog, fashion blogger, blogger life, lifestyle, outfit, outfit inspiration, outfit post, street style, autumn trends, fall trends, boots, checked, trench, oversized, hat, wool, white, Michael Kors, Hamilton Bag, red lips, french, style, stylish, model, famous, international, top 50, top 100

To be or not to be…checked

Day by day I'm discovering myself. I'm sometimes even wondering how many secrets am I going to find out in the near future. It seems that now, when #24 is getting closer and closer, I'm getting to know myself better...

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Luana Codreanu, Last Minute Couture, must have, fall trends, cool, autumn, street style, outfit, ootd, outfit inspiration, style, style blogger

Three major trends in one outfit

Hello, lovelies! Today I wanna tell you about three of my favorite fashion trends of this season and how to perfectly mix them in one outfit. You've probably seen all these items all over the social media and you're probably visualizing yourself wearing those dope outfits....

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last minute couture, luana codreanu, ANSWEAR, blogger, fashion blog, ashion blogger, fashion, influencer, inspiration, lifestyle, makeup, model, ootd, outfit, street style, street wear, style, style blogger, stylish, trends, Adrian Scutariu, photography, street photography

Geometry of fashion

Hello, lovelies! First of all, I want to welcome the super talented photographer Adrian Scutariu to my website. With just a click on his name you can check out his other projects and photoshoots. Now, that you know who's behind the camera, I will tell you a few...

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Luana Codreanu, Edi Enache, blogger, fashion blog, fashion blogger, style, fashion, outfit, ootd, Romania, back to school, trends, new look, ootd, inspiration, what to wear, Last Minute Couture inspiration


Au trecut cativa ani de cand eram in febra cumparaturilor inainte de inceperea scolii. Procesul de cautare incepea cu minim o luna inainte, sa fiu sigura ca nu imi lipseste nicio piesa din lista de #musthaveitems. Ca si acum, in liceu eram o mare iubitoare...

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