Thank you 2015!
Dear friend,
I will start this article with a huge “Thank you!”. Thank you for reading my stories, thank you for your support and thank you for giving me the motivation to continue this fashionable passion with love and enthusiasm. Thank you for being part of my family, part of my daily routine. You’ve just started to know me as much as I know myself, cause I discover myself everyday through this blog, through my readers.
I’m sure that you all want to know how was my year. As a normal person, I’ve made a lot of mistakes..but the bright part is that I’ve learned to treat them as lessons. I realized that all the mistakes that I’ve made had a huge impact (a positive one) on my personality, courage and self-esteem.
Bad things are not as bad as they seem…when you loose something, you instantly receive something in exchange.. I don’t know if it’s called the “boomerang effect” or karma, but for me it works all the time.
I’ve started this year with a a totally unfriendly way. After that, I lost my best friend, who was also my housemate, and the only reason was a babyish fight. At the same time, I had to pass the worst exams of all 3 years of university. Everything happened in ONE week! I thought that I will never manage to get through this, but, somehow, I found the strength to continue. I had a dream!
One week later, I found that I have received the accreditation to attend London Fashion Week, with only 2 days before. I started to pack my clothes, bought a flight ticket and pressed play to my dream adventure. It was my first time in London. The experience was absolutely amazing! You can read more about my Fashion Week Experience here:
*me as a tourist in London for the first time
From the moment when I came back home, my life started to change! I became more confident and I strongly believed in my dream: to become an inspiring digital influencer.
During London Fashion Week I had the luck to be featured in many international magazines, such as: British Vogue, Vogue Italia, etc. (you can find attached all the photos in the PRESS section). After that, I started to collaborate with many national and international brands. I was creative, I had so many ideas.. I finally had the feeling that everything is possible!
I was already preparing for the next season of fashion week, SS 2016. I knew that I had to become more viral, to redesign my blog, to change the way I was telling my story, to make it more suitable for a fashionista. My story finally started to get a contour.
During these months, I met so many people that showed me their appreciation. I will never forget that sparkle in their eyes. I was so happy to know that my work, my passion, is appreciated. Now I have more courage to say what I have in mind, to share my thoughts with you. But do not imagine that everybody will be happy for you fulfilling your dreams! There are so many people that will try to discourage you, to drag you down because of their frustrations. Trust your feeling and never give up your dream!
Always choose your friends wisely! They have a huge power to influence you! Find those friends that will share their positive vibes and their truly love and support with you. We have only one life! Let’s live it in the coolest possible way!
- Summer, parties, work..
It was a beautiful summer! I had enough time to finish my new website, to be more active on Instagram and to prepare all the materials for the lunch of the new concept of Last Minute Couture.
My summer included a Capsule Collection in collaboration with Lavish. I’m in love with the result! You can read more and see the some of the products in the following articles:
- Paris Fashion Week
Another dream that came true this year! I had the chance to take part to many fashion shows. We had a lovely whether and we took so many incredible photos. It was not that romantic Parisian getaway that I’ve been dreaming of, but the experience was.. #priceless! Read more about my PFW experience here:
Tout ce que vous voulez aux Champs-Elysees
- Glamour Street Fashion Show
It was such a great experience! I would tell you so many things about this amazing day of 2015.. Without too many words: talented people, creativity and beauty, fashion, trends, amazing outfits and the best new friends in the whole world!!! And also, I am one of the finalists! 6th place from 100 contestants. I’m still getting sooooo excited when I remember that day!
Ohh, there are so many things that I’d love to share with you, but I promise to be here in 2016. I will share with you all my experiences and all my adventures as a 22 years old fashionista.
So promise me, love yourself to love others, love animals and love fashion! Is it the secret of a “happily ever after” life? Let’s give it a try!
With love,
Nice photos 🙂
Maria V.