Bloody red for rainy days
Hello lovelies!
My exams are almost passed and I’m ready to press the START button and get back to reality.
Guess what’s going to happen at the end of February! Do you have any idea what impressive event is coming? I will tell you, because I’m so excited about it! London Fashion Week is about to start in less than one month! And guess what, I have the opportunity to have a trip to London in that period. LUCKY ME!
It’s like a beautiful dream that could become reality. I’ve always wanted to be part of the team that animate all that fantasy contoured by greatest minds of fashion industry. But, until then, I could be one of the lucky bloggers that can breathe the same air with so many all over the world celebrities.
Don’t forget to visit my LOOKBOOK page!
It is not easy to be one of them, you have to be brave and strong. Only when I think of spending more that 12 h per day wearing extremely harmful high heels I get a little scared but I there is a factor that motivates me: that is my LOVE FOR FASHION.
We all know that the most important thing when you get ready for a Fashion Week is choosing your outfit. Well, I already started to pick some extravagant items to put them together in suitable looks for a fashion event.
Here is one of my favorite trench coat, perfectly useful for those rainy days in London. It may be one of my options for one of those future most beautiful 5 days of my life. Hope to make it happen! Stay tuned for more details!
With all my love,