The BEAUTY of a woman
THE WOMAN – there are truly a million things to say about her. But what do you think of, when you utter this word? Through the years, many things concerning women have reached my ears. Some may think we’re from Venus, while some think we came out of the clouds, and so on. But getting back to the prior question, my response would be: THE MOTHER.
SHE is the first woman we are in full contact with from the moment we are conceived. SHE is the most precious woman for every single one of us. SHE is the one to whom we turn up to when in trouble. SHE is the one who makes us smile with the hilarious faces that she makes. SHE is definitely the one who gives us the warmest hugs. SHE is the one who will guide our path if we are heading towards the wrong one. SHE stays with us no matter if we’re happy or gloomy. SHE keeps the peace for us and is ready to give us a hand whenever it’s needed.
We’ve all been through teenage years… it was so hard to understand why would these women be such ‘Nosey Nancy’ and intrude into our “adult” lifestyle, when we just wanted to live our imaginary superficial lives that we used to see in American movies. But the thing is that because of them we are grounded, mature and we keep ourselves clear of negative influences being in full control of our future. I myself have been through such a dreadful faze of my life and I want to thank you MOTHER for getting me on the right path!
Today, it’s the 8th of March and it’s Women’s and Mother’s Celebration Day!
With love,